Empowering teachers and students for a brighter future.


Introducing students, teachers, parents and their communities to the wonderful world of mangrove ecosystems through a curriculum-based, hands-on creative science program.

Mangrove trees are nature’s air and water filter. They need our protection.

Test your mangrove knowledge: Take the quiz!


Making A Net Positive Impact on The Environment


Strengthening And Protecting Shorelines

Mangrove forests are the protectors of the shoreline. Their roots filter pollutants coming to shore and going out from estuaries and rivers, improve water quality and stabilize soil from erosion.

Promoting Clean Air And Water

Playing an essential role in healthy environments, mangroves capture carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases and store it in the soil. Mangroves are essential in helping maintain clean air.

Preserving Local Ecosystems

A natural habitat for wildlife and a nursery for juvenile marine life, mangroves foster a healthy ecosystem for birds, insects, fish, mammals and plants.


What We Do At Mangrove Education


Provide Educational Curricula

Our science-based educational curricula are taught in schools within communities adjacent to mangrove ecosystems. The goal of our curricula is to teach students the importance of mangroves to their communities and the land. By bringing knowledge and awareness of mangroves to schools we aim to lay a foundation for mangrove advocation and conservation.


Support Communities

Through partnerships with local governments, teachers and community leaders, we weave connections to mangrove awareness, building a case not only for education, but eco-tourism to help communities stay healthy and thrive. Today’s students become tomorrow’s advocates and decision-makers working in favor of supporting and maintaining mangrove ecosystems.


Positively Impact Ecosystems Around The World

The educational curriculum that was created by our Program Director in the Cayman Islands has touched 17 mangrove communities worldwide. Mangrove Education board members work towards fostering relationships with key authorities and educators in mangrove communities who believe in and can carry out the mission.

Make A Contribution

Interested in contributing to the growth of Mangrove Education? Consider making a contribution through a donation. If you are a corporate donor or interested in aligning your corporate giving program with Mangrove Education, please get in touch.